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Why Start a Prayer Journal

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer & supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God....”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬

If you’re like me, you live for good conversation. Whether it’s just two of us or 20, good conversation is like a mini expedition, exploring all the beauties, and crevices, and complexities of us mortals.

Sometimes life calls for the short and sweet variety - the small talk. Then there’s the deeper dive that we experience in a budding relationship. Ultimately, but probably more infrequently, we have a real soul-stirring interaction that leaves everyone breathless - but inspired, encouraged, and rejuvenated for whatever comes next...and often yearning for more.

Our conversations with YHWH function in much the same way. We create new and lasting memories. We come to a deeper knowledge of ourselves and of the other person. We build strong ties that bind us together. Even the conversations that we see as frivolous or light-hearted can have a way of deepening the relationship simply because of the time spent together.

Choosing to opt out of conversations with God leaves me feeling distracted and disoriented in my daily walk. I can’t properly decide or discern. I mull over thoughts and opinions. I feel tossed and driven by unhealthy motives because my anchor is missing. On and off for the past couple of years I found myself in seasons of deep longing for connection with the Most High. Although, I was praying frequently in short bursts, I knew and felt that something was still missing.

As much as I love to write, you’d think I would have considered prayer journaling long ago. My notebooks are speckled with written prayers here and there but there was no consistency or organization to make this an effective practice. I’m not sure of the moment or the circumstance that led me to consider prayer journaling, but once it came across my radar, I couldn’t rest until I tried it out.

I finished my beautiful prayer journal just a couple of weeks ago and it has already been as transformational as I imagined it would be. Here are some of the benefits I’ve noticed in this short time:

  • It has served as a sort of mobile prayer closet that’s easy to manage and readily available as I often take it with me.

  • My thoughts have been more cohesive because my mind tends to be more focused when I write.

  • I have begun to pray more frequently and fervently and thoughtfully.

  • I spend more time in reflection and introspection, allowing margin for to the Lord to respond.

  • It has fostered a deeper affection toward the Lord and for those I’m praying for as I get to look back on the requests I submit to Him and the relationships I have with those I petition for.

  • It has helped to deepen my trust in the Lord and my yearning for His will as I look back on how He answers prayers. It has become a treasury of His love and faithfulness over time.

  • I feel more appreciative of the practice of prayer as a priceless gift from a loving Father.

Please understand that this practice has not replaced my ongoing internal dialogue with God and it has not replaced the desire to pray aloud or with people in-person. But it has allowed me to overcome an often distracted and disoriented private prayer time.

Leave a comment to let me know if this is something you practice or would like to try. I’d love to connect and share ideas.

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